February 15, 2009

(: I almost forgot

friend say im crazy cus easily i fall in love
i gotta do it differently... this time (:

This weekend was alot of fun! I talk like I'm in middle school, yaaaah! Whatever, let me document.

I wokeup and didnt go to the gym ):
Ralp & Justino came over and we went to Brea to test out their swooning skills haha
Seany & JCua metup and that was cool but I had to leave so Seany took me home and then I picked up Seany A. & Seany S. and headed back to brea to cheel. Then went to the studio w/ Seany (: weeeeee & I met my baby! Yah! BP is so sdkjfhldks good at dancing.

then I went home to say hi to my parents and left to go to JCua's house! I left a trillion and two video comments on everyones facebook cus my camera is shitty quality! We headed off to yogurtland and then went back to his house for pokemon stadium. hahaha soooo f-ing funny mayn. I left cus I was tired and slept. Wokeup to a text saying "LB tomorrow?" yaaaaah! so I'm visitng CSULB tomorrow w/ bee eff eff juicy. we're gna see uglyboys colin, troy, and curtis andddd beautiful genbeb! EGG-SITE-ING!

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