March 4, 2009

lets make life a little interesting

Im sitting down at the dmv waiting for my number to be called, and im very convinced that the people who work here definitely hate their job, and if they don't... im hating it for them. I guess the wait isn't so bad, as long as I ignore this little girl and her annoying whistle, 10 bucks says that someone is going to tell her to shut up because I feel like everyone here is having a bad day and the whistle is only making situations worse.

The lady sitting next to me had a hat on and its been 10 minutes since they've called the last number; they definitely need to get more workers. During my pensive moment here at the dmv office I've realized that technology has gone pretty far in the past decade. What made me come to this conclusion? Well... im blogging while waiting for my number to be called and I think that's a pretty big deal. The little gir and her big round eyes are staring at me. Im going to guess that she wants to play with my phone and I still have 10 more numbers till they call mine. The man that sat next to me still has a hint of cigarette smoke floating around him, it tickles my nose and makes me want to sneeze. (: my dad said I wouldn't be out till lunch time, I really hope he's wrong because I kinda want to go and workout because everyone and their mom goes to the gym.

The sad part about that hyperbole is that in this case... its not a hyperbole, I really see everyone and their mom. I just want to lose weight already. Maybe ill bring my china slim tea to the gym.

Sometimes when I see little kids, I think about how cute mine will be and get happy, but right now I just can't stand them because this girl just keeps looking at me. Im such a bitter old kid. Whatever! I have 5 more people in front of me thank god. No more track smoke or senile perfume, my nose is injured! Aha just kidding, OMG BODY ODOR TO THE MAX. I really need to get some body spray up in here! Ahaha well I guess ill end this sorry blog right here. Okay bye!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

nice rae. make sure you follow my blog!