November 28, 2008

&it all starts

As you're sitting in your car tuning into your preferred radio station, you hear it all happen. The people on the streets wear smiles like they wear their underwear, which is of course, all the time. The houses seem warmer, and the love that radiates off your parents is so abundant, you can't help but giggle inside.

It all just makes me wonder why it can't be like this year round. I don't think we take the time to appreciate everyone. Its a little disheartening to think about how we take everyone for granted. A few friends of mine gathered in a little room, and we realized how much we regret not appreciating what our parents do for us. I thought about how lucky I was to have them, how they pamper me when I come home, and how in the end... I tell them I don't have the time to call them everyday just to say "hello". It disappoints me and makes me feel so dirty inside. I guess I know what my new years resolution is going to be this coming January 1st.

Going off on a tangent, school isn't exactly what I pictured it to be. Yes, I knew it wouldn't be anything like high school and the piece of cake classes, but I also didn't expect it to be so hard that I study excessively to receive a D's & F's. Challenging? Tell me about it. I know I shouldn't compare my burdens and hassles and stresses to the other people and their majors, but I feel... like seriously... I've entered a different world at which its impossible to party. It's impossible to get enough sleep, its impossible to fit any of your oh so treasured leisures into your academically packed life. The midterms pile up, the assignments, and the stress that well... you honestly can't just breathe. I will admit however, that I haven't worked as hard as I should be. I'm working hard, but I know I have the ability to work even harder, to achieve better grades, and I really don't know.

I guess I'll end with
I'm a slacker, and though I feel like I should do more. I don't, and it's disappointing, but I realize now that I appreciate the beauty of things. I appreciate life more... and I love it.

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