October 14, 2007

blend of everything all together

These past few weeks have been the most ultimately fast weeks of my life. I don't think I've ever had so much to do, its actually really fun. I think I enjoy being preoccupied because when I have time to myself... I'm not exactly sure what to do except find a task that I probably should complete. There's no such thing as relaxation anymore, and when I said that I enjoy staying at home [don't get me wrong, staying at home is quite fun] I think I get more of a kick out of arranging books or something. I think I go through multiple phases at which I experience the weirdest mood swings. What if I develop schitzophrenia? WHOAwhoaWHOA. Just kidding, well I'm off to read. I love words. I don't think I'll ever get sick of words no matter how limited my vocabulary may be.

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