Where did my time go? LAtely, I haven't exactly been up to date with the well... date :). Just Monday I noticed that my birthday was coming up. I hope this doesn't happen that often because I like knowing what day it is and how close it is to something so big. Think about it, 18 is a pretty big number, soon that 1 is going to turn into a 3 and that 8 is going to turn into a 5 and I'll realize that I'm OLLLLLLD! My birthday hasn't always been so pleasant, and I'm not exactly sure it will be this year either. The debut doesn't count because its not the actual day. I always have a bad time, always. I remember last year so vividly, I cried because my own family forgot it was my birthday. Usually I receive a warm hug and kiss in the morning (I know, corny and what not but I was actually looking forward to it last year) but it seemed like a regular day. I saw my sister, my mom, and my dad and not one of them said anything but "good morning." Well, I won't make a big deal out of it. For all I know, I may have the wrong date of birth printed on my birth certificate, but lets not get that skeptical!
Currently in my life, I do not have a sixth period. I thought I would look forward to it, I just feel like I have more time to waste doing nothing. Although I disliked cheer, I loved the people in it and it was the only time of the day where we actually talked. I never talk to any of the cheerleaders out of cheer [minus sheen and camille] and its I don't know. I guess we never developed some sort of kinship but hey, I have friends the end.
I have absolutely nothing to say. I watched Schindler's List in Mr. Jo's room and studied with Michael. Unfortunately, I was unable to absorb anything I studied and I'm almost 107% sure I failed yet another Chemistry Test. Screw Chem and their delta signs and what not. When will I ever need to know about a Crystalline Solid? You're correct! never.
I think I'm done. Yeah that's all. I miss Erik though.
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