August 20, 2007

screw insomnia

For the past week, I've been sleeping terribly late and I don't know why. This minor case of insomnia [I call it minor because I'm able to sleep past 3 and only past 3] is tickling my last nerve and I really really just want to sleep. I miss being so sleepy I mumble on the telephone. Lately, my mind has just been so awake that it tires me out. My dreams have been ultra weird as well.

I have school in seven days, and for once in my life... it feels good to say that. I drove my mom's car today, I'm pretty horrible at it when there's other cars on the road. :) then again, who the hell am I kidding? There will always be a car on the road.

On a lighter note, I got to spend about an hour just talking to the guys on my front yard. We talked about pointless topics but at least I got a say in it cause most of the time I talk on the phone with Erik, my conversations and small comments are unecessary. Maybe I'm unnecessary. Phucket. I should probably attempt to sleep. PSYKE. I'm off to an interesting conversation with my all time favorite egyptian, Antony Girgis! Laters!

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