August 23, 2007

vindicated I am...

Only the most sore person on planet Earth right now. August 27, at 12 a.m. I plan to sleep on my driveway just so I could see, with my own two eyes, two moons. Excitement is building up inside of me and I don't know whether I should jump for joy or play a really cool song. Aha.

Highlight of my day:
Marina said that I was getting lighter. I honestly wish I were pale with green eyes and black hair... and maybe a pointy nose while I'm at it.

Then again I realize that God makes us all look different for a reason. What's the point of wanting something else when you already have a beautiful set of your own body parts and features. I guess that's what is so beautiful about human beings we're all so different but the same. No one is identical! :)

Well... my eyes are a bit on the weary side so I guess I'll sleep well tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the information about two moons is not true. The real event occurred in 2003.!16D0CFD6E12DE431!126.entry