gosh I don't know, just don't mess up or something (:
haha over the past couple of, well I don't know hahaha everyone has be IMing me about how to get over a relationship and what not. Thing is, I'm completely fine... but I guess I'm glad they're concerned haha. (: I seriously love my friends & I am sooo cold right now.
OH DELISH buffalo wild wing @ 1 then the shoppes to "get" some stuff with jocelyn ;). whatever
tahmallow me and jocey are having lunch with jason, idk where but ees cool. what else am I doing this week? kdfjghljdksh um Thursday... ... hm... hahaha I really don't know what I'm doing OH YAH maybe clubbing again hm? excited!
friday... maybe zee beach, but its a little chilly. YAY i found my black bikini dough, so i can wear it when we go to SD. its prolly going to be cold but whatever <3.
i think my china slim tea is working a little bit, or maybe i just don't eat as much as i normally would. that makes me really happy. i like eat an actual meal once a day, whateverrrrr my metabolism is going to slow down like crazy. :) LOOP LOOP LOOP when i get back to school. i have soo many plans now <3 i love i love. okay i guess i should go and shower or something. PEACE OWT
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